Who am I?

Born and raised in Paris, I studied “British and North American Studies” at the Sorbonne University. I eventually graduated with a PhD. In that context, I was a Teacher in England – where I spent three years – a Lecturer in the US – where I spent one year – and a Professor back in France.

As a student’s job, I started taking foreign visitors around Europe and France on coach tours. I enjoyed it so much that tourism became my new vocation. I was a Tour Manager for 25 years.

In order to perfect my training, I attended Nanterre University to become an official National Guide. I am qualified, by the government, to guide everywhere in France in three languages.

Now I continue to share my passion for all things French and my “joie de vivre” with groups or individuals or families, here on business or for leisure, in and around our beautiful capital … and a bit further.

To make you discover, to help you understand, but also to inspire you: I am your “Parisienne” friend!

Member of the Paris Convention and Visitors Bureau (Paris Tourist Office)

Member of the FNGIC (Fédération Nationale des Guides Interprètes et Conférenciers)

Member of the association Guid’z (les Guides Conférenciers de France)

Registered with the Official French Guides (Guides Officiels de France)


A person who is trained, qualified and officially licenced.

I am fluent and have trained in three languages: French, English, Spanish. At university, I have acquired a wide range of academic – history, literature, art, culture – specialist and practical knowledge. I have passed a degree which entitles me to a professional card delivered by the French government. This card allows me to guide in the national museums, monuments and chateaux everywhere in France. It is a symbol of quality in tourist guiding. I continue training to keep my knowledge up to date.

A professional guide makes a good experience great: beware of imitations!

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