Site Editor

Company: Virginie Gravier
Siret : 438 997 355 000 21
Code APE : 7990Z
Tel: +33 (0)6 12 71 35 31
Email address: info[at]
Publishing Director: Virginie Gravier
Web development : Alexandre Mabeix
Photo Credits : Marjorie Lhomme

Host Site

Host server: OVH
Host server address: 2 rue Kellermann, 59100 Roubaix France
Tel: +33 (0) 8 203 203 63

Personal data

The consultation of the website does not require the provision of the users’ personal data.

The collection and processing of these personal data comply with French data protection regulation (Loi du 6 janvier 1978).

The user has a right of access, modification, suppression to its personal data and right of objection that he can exercise at the following address info[at]

Intellectual property

The presentation and each element of this website including text, logo, photographs, domain name, any graphical element belong exclusively to Virginie Gravier or its licensors and are protection by intellectual property laws.

Conformément aux articles L.616-1 et R.616-1 du code de la consommation, nous proposons un dispositif de médiation de la consommation. L’entité de médiation retenue est : CNPM – MEDIATION DE LA CONSOMMATION. En cas de litige, vous pouvez déposer votre réclamation sur son site : ou par voie postale en écrivant à CNPM – MEDIATION – CONSOMMATION – 27 avenue de la libération – 42400 Saint-Chamond